It is difficult to know without
more info if your medication has
anything to do with it or if you
simply have some other condition
going on. You could so some douches
that do not include the heavy chemical
ones you get at the store. Buy a douche
kit at the drug store and try some to
see if it helps. Here is some info to
help you decide which to do~~
Other Names:
Candidiasis, Yeast Vaginitis, Trichomoniasis, Atrophic Vaginitis
Vaginal pain or tenderness, itching, increased vaginal discharge, burning sensation, painful intercourse, and urination.
Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina. There are four types:
1 - Yeast vaginitis, also called monilial, or thrush. The yeast infection causing it is candida albicans. It is more common in pregnant women, diabetics, and those on
Antibiotics , oral contraceptives, or long-term steroid therapy. Changes in the vaginal pH (caused by tap water, tub baths, certain
additives to bath water, and some commercial douches) permit the yeast to grow in the vagina. The discharge is moderate in amount, but thick yellowish or white and curd-like. It may cause severe itching of the external genitalia (see "Candida").
2 - Trichomonas, caused by trichomonas vaginalis. This is a protozoan which likes an alkaline environment. It may be sexually transmitted (so both should be treated at the same time). In the man, there are no symptoms; in the woman, there is a greenish white or heavy yellow, frothy, discharge which may have a slight odor. The discharge causes itching, burning, and reddening of the skin. If it spreads to the urethra, there may be frequent burning urination. Flagyl, which is a medication for this, is known to cause cancer in animals.
3 - Non-specific vaginitis is caused by organisms other than yeast or trichomonas, and occurs when resistance is low and the normal vaginal flora changes.
4 - Atrophic vaginitis occurs in post-menopausal women and those whose ovaries have been surgically removed. Adhesions form and there is a high susceptibility to infection. Symptoms include itching or burning, painful intercourse, and a thin watery discharge, sometimes tinged with blood.
Vaginitis may have one or more of the following causes: bacterial or fungal infection, intestinal worms, vitamin B deficiency, congestion of the pelvic organs, gonococci, chemical irritation (strong douches), mechanical irritation (tampons), drug medications, and deodorant sprays.
Other contributing factors include tight and nonporous clothing, diabetes, and the use of
Antibiotics .
The birth control pill causes a B6 deficiency and changes the vaginal pH.
Pregnancy increases the vaginal pH, and also its glycogen content. This is favorable to yeast infection. But it generally leaves
Tight-fitting synthetic underwear provides poor ventilation and a warm, moist, environment for yeast infection to occur.
Sugar and refined carbohydrates help feed yeast infection.
Normally, the pH of the vagina is acid; anything that alkalinizes it contributes to vaginitis. Causes include diabetes, menstrual period, pregnancy, and the time just after a miscarriage or abortion.
The most common aftereffect of
Antibiotic therapy in women is a vaginal yeast infection.
Frequent douching upsets vaginal pH and flora.
Excessive sex or intercourse, without proper lubrication, irritates vaginal walls.
About 5% of women given tetracycline for
Acne develop vaginitis.
Intrauterine devices (IUDs) produce a favorable environment for yeast infection, since they reduce normal vaginal secretions.
Four primary factors are
Antibiotics , oral contraceptives, diabetes, and pregnancy.
• All of the above factors should be carefully noted.
• For yeast vaginitis, use a hot soda-water douche (1-3 teaspoons of soda to 1
quart water) twice a day for 7 days, then once a day for 30 days.
• If there is not clear and rapid improvement, a trichomonas may be the cause. If so, apply a vinegar douche (1-4 tablespoon of vinegar to 1
quart water) twice a day for 7 days, then once a day for 30 days.
• Garlic-water douche (1 clove into part of a
quart of boiling water; add the remainder of the quart, let cool to 110o F. twice a day for 7 days, then once a day for 30 days).
• For organisms other than yeast and trichomonas, a warm normal saline douche (1 teaspoon of salt per quart water) is useful.
• Hot sitz baths, 2-3 times a day will soothe local irritation; but it is important that the tub be sterilized first, lest bacteria be introduced into the vagina.
• An alternate method is to apply garlic suppositories. Peel a clove of garlic and wrap it in a piece of sterile gauze. Lubricate the suppository with pure organic vegetable oil and insert it in the vagina, yet keep a piece protruding outside. Continue doing this for 3 days, changing suppositories every 3 hours.
• Adequate rest, a healthful diet, and meticulous personal hygiene with frequent bathing are important.
• Take vitamins A and B complex.
• Avoid panty hose, girdles, or synthetic pants or panties. Tight-fitting clothing increases moisture retention. Wear cotton clothing.
• Avoid chemical deodorant sprays, tampons, and colored toilet paper. Do not use commercial sexual lubricants.
• Beware of tub baths! Take showers instead.
• Do not wash socks and stockings with underwear, lest foot infections be transferred to the pelvic organs.
• Cotton underwear can be microwaved to destroy yeast. Wet it, wring it out well, and microwave on high for 30 seconds.
• Do not have marital relations during menstruation or infections or, if you can avoid it, a few days immediately afterward.
• Require that your husband wash his hands and genitals before intercourse. If he really loves you, he will gladly do this.
• Tea tree oil is good for vaginitis. Use creams, suppositories, etc.
• Aloe vera is helpful for infections, including yeast infections. It can be taken internally or used as a douche.
• Also helpful are bayberry, goldenseal, yarrow, marshmallow root, calendula, chamomile, pau d'arco, and dandelion.
• To normalize vaginal flora, eat plain yogurt and/or apply it to the vagina.
• Include adequate fiber in the diet.
• Do not take iron supplements until the infection is reduced. Infectious bacteria require iron for growth.
• Apply an opened vitamin E capsule to the area, to reduce itching.
• For atrophic vaginitis, use natural progesterone cream and apply to the vagina. Prescription ointments for this condition contain estrogen. But they increase the need for vitamin B6. Vaginal absorption of estrogen may be dangerous.
• Do not use sweet-smelling douches. A plain yogurt douche is much better. (Also see "Douches.")
• If you have chronic or persistent vaginitis, you may have diabetes.
• If you have recurring vaginitis, you may be getting it from your husband.
info source~~
One thing I have also done when I was
dealing with a chemical shift in the
vaginal flora was to soak a tampon
in liquid acidophilous. You can find
this usually in the fridge at your
health food store. Get the plain
stuff, in a brown bottle. Soak your
tampon in a small bowl of it. Not
so long that it expands but enough
to get it saturated, then insert.
best wishes,