Normally, the term "molecular silver" is used to refer to particulate silver made up of one or more molecules which are in turn made up of multiple silver atoms. The term is seldom applied to true colloidal silver, whose silver particles suspend naturally in distilled water as opposed to ionic silver, whose particles may tend to clump together (agglomerate) and precipitate out over time (something that normally only happens to colloidal silver when it is exposed to freezing or near freezing temperatures. The makers of both kinds of silver claim that their kind of silver works the best. Those who use low voltage electric hydrolysis to produce ionic silver products or else make low voltage electric hydrolysis home generator units that produce ionic silver claim theirs is superior, while those who make true colloidal silver via different high voltage methods claim that their true colloidal silver particles are both much smaller, resulting in far superior surface areas per equal PPM and that colloidal silver is best at actually passing through the digestive system and into the blood stream and to the pathogens silver particles destroy.
The term "molecular silver" has also been used to hype certain brands of silver as somehow being produced via a special process that makes it superior to all other silver products. Of course, the marketplace is literally full of different silver products and silver home generators which claim that they are somehow unique and superior to the others. In real life and according to the testimonials of people who have used the various products, I believe that the colloidal silver products made by Utopia Silver (Advanced Colloidal Silver) and Purest Colloids (Mesosilver) are superior to anything else out there. And I also believe that the higher voltage home generator made by Utopia Silver (the Silver Bullet), is superior to most other home generators due to the higher than normal colloidal silver content it contains - though not as effective as the two aforementioned commercial products, which both contain silver particles as small as just over twice the size of a single silver atom. For example, I have a member of my Yahoo group who has both a SilverGen unit, a Silver Bullet and also uses Utopia Silver's commercial product. She says that the Silver Bullet homemade silver works better than that produced by her SilverGen and that the commercial Utopia Silver products works noticeably better than either one.
As regards the OPC, I am not getting in any oleander other than a small supply I keep on hand of Sutherlandia OPC for those who need it faster than the normal delivery time from South Africa or who otherwise have problems ordering online. Utopia Silver, on the other hand, will be getting their supply of capsules from South Africa any day now and the labeled bottles are ready and waiting. They should have had delivery already, but a postal strike in South Africa which concluded over a week ago has temporarily backlogged shipments. Stay tuned.
All the best,