Use a coffee grinder to powder C!
Dudes/ettes, (sorry for the 80's) anyway I was fighting a sinus virus since 15 hours ago or so. Problem started with a thin runny nose like an allergy but then soreness and darnit a fever! Recalling the C cure I started chewing up Cs like a good boy (mom loved C and still does).... Next I checked here on Czone for new info and a google search came up with the recommendation to take SODIUM ASCORBATE... I was doing the where is it routine in the kitchen and asked the wife what we had that I could grind with and she said COFFEE GRINDER! I now know they use them for all kinds of stuff here, but didn't see a post about POWDERING C PILLS with one. I tip it sideways and shake it until it gets all the pieces. 1/3 baking soda to my quantity of C powder and wala! I was in the restroom as I took more than I could use. The cool part is I feel better already.. maybe just because of my success but I think the C is already working! what a wonder treatment!
I always wanted powdered C. Now it's as cheap as it can get.