Well read up on it first.
You should eat fruits and vegetables for 3-5 days beforehand. cleanse your system.
And you don't need to go for 30 days. Go for as long as your body says to go for.
Basically, the first 3 days you'll feel hungry... after the 3rd day it goes away. Then keep on fasting till you feel true hunger pains return. It may be 7 days it may be 30. No more than 30!!!!!!
Only drink water. that's it. No tea. No vitamins. Just Water.
Don't use toothpaste. Brush your teeth with water. If you use toothpaste, the
Sugar will make your body think your gettin food and you'll get hungry again.
You can have reactions. You might throw up, get a sore throat, headache etc. Your body is detoxifying!!! This is called a "healing crisis"
Do your research. Go to the Fasting: Water Only forum and read the websites posted there.
MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!! - Listen to your body. Don't push it. It will fix itself if you let it.
And finally, when you break the fast eat very lightly. Some fruit juice or vegetable broth the first few days. Then raw salads. Ramp up to eating again. No heavy foods the first week at least.
I'm your friend!