Grassman, I didn't say anything negative about personal responsibility in that post, did I? What I did say was that the simplistic statement that moreless often makes about blessings and cursings, is flawed, when left to itself.
In the story of Job, it is this belief system that good choices equal blessing, bad choices equal cursings that lead Job's friends to attack and accuse him the way they did. They couldn't fathom that Job could be suffering for any other reason than that he had brought it on himself through wrong doing. Otherwise, they would have had to reconsider their belief system.
It is this same belief system that causes this same kind of thing to go on in the church today, in very much the same way as it happened with Job and his friends. Christians are accusing and attacking other christians when trials come in their lives. "What have you done? You must be such a worse person than I am to be going through what you are going through!" Their belief system is faulty. Some of the greatest Christians that have ever been suffer the most, are the most persecuted, suffer the most trials in their life. On the outside, it sure doesn't look like they are being blessed. But the truth is, these christians are blessed. But, they are blessed inwardly, in ways we can't easily see.
But this faulty belief system we are talking about, can really further the pain for a suffering Christian, especially if they believe it themselves. They will think, "If God blesses those that do good, then why am I suffering so much, while Joe over there that has lived like a complete heathen, is doing a lot better than me?" Job, like his friends, had trouble with this belief system too. He asked why the evil were prospering while he was in misery.
Job 21:7-15
7Why do the wicked live on,
growing old and increasing in power?
8They see their children established around them,
their offspring before their eyes.
9Their homes are safe and free from fear;
the rod of God is not upon them.
10Their bulls never fail to breed;
their cows calve and do not miscarry.
11They send forth their children as a flock;
their little ones dance about.
12They sing to the music of tambourine and harp;
they make merry to the sound of the flute.
13They spend their years in prosperity
and go down to the grave† in peace.†
14Yet they say to God, ‘Leave us alone!
We have no desire to know your ways.
15Who is the Almighty, that we should serve him?
What would we gain by praying to him?’
God did not bring on Job's trials because of wrongdoing on Job's part.
See, one of the flaws of this simple statement left to itself, is this, that God is God, and God will do what He wants to do, His ways are not our ways. We are just not going to understand why things happen the way they do sometimes. But we trust Him anyway, because He is God.
John 9:2
2His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
3“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.
Granted, much, and we could probably say most, of suffering, is brought on by individual sin. But this still doesn't give us a right to accuse and attack one another. And it still doesn't mean we can make a simple equation that good choices equal blessings, bad choices equal cursings, and leave it at that.
We can make a simple equation for eternity after this life though . Repentant believers will inherit eternal life with their Lord which will be filled with unending, unimaginable blessings. Non repentant, non believers will inherit eternal punishment of death.
We can also say that for repentant believers, even what others call cursings, whatever trial it may be, bad health, financial trouble, etc, can be called a blessing, or it could be called discipline, only God know which. But regardless, for the repentant believer of Jesus Christ, all things are working for good.
Romans 8:28
28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,† who† have been called according to his purpose.