I passed a stone about the size of a golf ball. It was very hard and a dark green color. How could it travel through the common bile duct without causing the duct to rupture? (I did take Epsom Salt before the flush) Isn't the duct very small in diameter? How wide can it get?
These are usually bile stools made up of smaller pieces. They indicate a slower bowel transit as the Epsom Salts hasn't really done its job properly. Have you considered improving your bowel condition before attempting a liver-flush.
The largest stones extracted by the liver-flush method at Chinese Hospitals are in the oder of 2 cm. You may find this a good read:
My understanding is that the bile
ducts are opened using the epsom
salts. The pressure from the oil
and bile will push the stones out.
Congratulations on passing such
a large stone. Surely your efforts
will help heal your gallbladder
and liver issues.
I agree with Telman that you may
wish to use something to reduce
the size of your stones. I like
the product Stone-Free very much,
and can recommend it for use in
between flushing.