If I were you I'd have benadryl, or diphenhydramine, handy for times like that. It's cheap, OTC, and it works to stop allergic reactions.
Also, you can get referred to an allergist and when you tell her/him what happens to you they'll prescribe you an epinephrine pen, they come in two's, for emergencies, like if your throat closed up. Just having one in my car and one by my bed makes me feel safe and I haven't had any more problems.
It takes time to heal, but you will. Hang in there.
Hv, I am scared. I am the one that has been posting for months trying to heal myself and my family from toxic mold exposure a year and a half ago. I feel like I have the respiratory symptoms under control and maybe even the candida a bit, but my food allergies are out of control! I am allergic to most foods and now most vitamins/supplements. I thought I was improving with the grape bitters and homemade coconut kefir, but I ate a carrot today (which I have been tolerating) and had a mild reaction to it so I took the yucca root that I just bought since I am allergic to quercetin...BAD idea, but it is literally just yucca root in a gelatin capsule so I thought it was safe. Immediately, I was dizzy, nauseas with diarrhea, swollen face and tongue and felt like someone was holding my throat. I drank a ton of water and tried breathing through it. I am petrified to go the hospital as they will give me steroids and God knows what else. I don't know what to do next. I found a 5000mg Vit C powder that was just absorbic acid...should I try that? I have tried the amla and jiaogulan before with allergic reactions to both. I ingested the yucca about 3.5 hours ago so I am praying I am on the down hill now...I am still very lightheaded and nauseas though. Any help is GREATLY appreciated!
Do you have some watercress, eyebright or nettle leaf? All of these are antihistamine.
You may want to get some coleus forskohlii for future use as well as an additional back up. Forskohlii also works as an antihistamine.
I also recommend that in the future I would avoid capsules since you could also be allergic to the gelatin or the formaldehyde used to harden them.
The vitamin C is fine and may be more of help if it also has the bioflavonoids added. But split your use up in to smaller doses.
I also recommend that in the future I would avoid capsules since you could also be allergic to the gelatin or the formaldehyde used to harden them.
Are you serious! OMG. That would explain the issues I was having with capsules when I was still dealing with the formaldehyde issues in my room. Where did you learn that? Seems like such an obscure bit of info to find out about, although extremely important!
I also recommend that in the future I would avoid capsules since you could also be allergic to the gelatin or the formaldehyde used to harden them. Are you serious! OMG. That would explain the issues I was having with capsules when I was still dealing with the formaldehyde issues in my room. Where did you learn that? Seems like such an obscure bit of info to find out about, although extremely important!
I don't remember where I first heard that. I learned that a very long time ago.
Here is a link about it though:
‘Gelatin’ capsules are made from gelatin and various other ingredients. These are manufactured by a number of different
methods (see various patents, and Jones, 1987). The earliest reference to gelatin capsules makes no specific mention of any
ingredients other than the medicines encapsulated (Cauhaupe, 1874). However, current gelatin capsule formulations
contain a wide variety of other ingredients. Each ingredient needs to be addressed on its own merits. One of the earliest
improvements was the addition of sodium carbonate to correct for stomach acidity (Heineman, 1891). At about the same
time, it was discovered that formaldehyde (formic aldehyde) and other aldehydes can be used to harden gelatin capsules
and enable them to pass from the stomach to the intestine (Weyland, 1899). A number of other ingredients have been introduced to harden both soft- and hard-capsules since that invention, but the most extensively studied has been
formaldehyde (Jones, 1987). Improved methods to detect formaldehyde cross-linking are of interest because trace levels of
formaldehyde may have an adverse effect on the capsule contents (Gold, et al., 2001a, and Gold, et al., 2001b)."