There is an extremely good reason why bags of calcium oxide/hydroxide have warning labels on them warning against ingestion and contact with skin or other tissues. Even if the hydroxide is buffered with an acid like lemon juice, unless the person has a pH meter on hand there is no way for them to know when enough acid is added to neutralize the caustic hydroxide. It is like playing Russian roulette. You never which time is the one that can cost you your life.
"Ingestion: Gastric irritant. Ingestion may be followed by severe pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and collapse. If death does not occur in 24 hours, esophageal perforation may occur, as evidenced by fall in blood pressure and severe pain. A narrowing of the esophagus may occur weeks, months, or years after ingestion, making swallowing difficult. "
"Health risks As with many chemicals, exposure may pose health risks:[3] Inhalation: Respiratory tract irritation. Coughing, shortness of breath, chemical bronchitis. Ingestion: Internal bleeding, possible perforation of esophagus, severe pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and collapse. Eyes: severe irritation, pain, ulceration, blindness. Skin: burns, blistering. Chronic Exposure: dermatitis or severe irritation to skin."
Caustic Ingestion Carlo Viamonte, M.D. November 17, 2005
"The common agents that are ingested are generally the common agents that are used for cleaning in the area. In the US, they are liquid products such as Liquid Drano. In India, for example, the common products that are ingested are acid agents because more acids are used in the cleaning solutions there. This is an example of some common cleaning solutions containing strong acids and bases. In the household, you have alkali agents containing sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, in things like Liquid Drano. The common acids that are ingested are sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid. Bleaches include chloride bleaches, and peroxide bleaches. Mildew removers that are used in bathrooms often contain bleaches. The most common ingestions in the United States, about 60% to 80% of the time, are alkali ingestions. This includes lye, as I previously mentioned, as well as ammonia. With this kind of ingestion you end up with, histologically, a liquefaction necrosis. This also causes denaturing of proteins, saponification of fat, and blood vessel thrombosis. The important thing is that there is very early disintegration of the tissues. This allows for very deep penetration and further damage into the muscle layer and beyond at times. About 30% of children ingesting alkali agents end up with esophageal burns, 80% having high grade II and III that do go on oftentimes to develop strictures. Burns tend to be at anatomically narrowing areas. at the cricopharyngeus, the arch of the aorta, etc. The stomach, interestingly, is spared in 80% of the ingestions. Severity of the injury is determined by the amounts of the agent ingested, and the type of the ingestion. If there is food in the stomach, there tends to be less of a caustic injury because of absorption. The GI transit time is also very important, as well as the presence of reflux. If there is significant reflux, the agent can reflux and cause additional damage in the area that had previously been damaged. This early disintegration of mucosa from alkali agents actually can occur over a three-day period after the ingestion, and about days 7-21 the esophagus wall is weakest. Superficial mucosal burns may tend to heal pretty well without sequelae. Burns that disrupt the submucosal and muscular layers often are complicated by severe mucosal loss. After this, an inflammatory reaction is set up. The body begins to try to heal this area, and fibroblasts move in, laying down collagen matrix. This matrix is pretty haphazard and begins to contract in about three weeks. This irregular collagen matrix allows for adhesive bands to form, and some pseudodiverticula can form between these bands. This process continues until finally there is pretty dense scar in the mucosa and in any of the muscular layers that had been previously damaged by the agents. In general, usually a completely circumferential lesion involving the entire wall leads to significant strictures in a clinical setting."
What gets me is how someone can profess to believe in God and to follow God on one hand while on the other hand they are lying about other people and constantly attacking them. Does not seem very God-like to me. So the only thing I can figure is that these people are using religion as a tool, just like any good cult leader, to bash others either in to submission or to scare the naysayers away so they do not expose the person for the frauds they really are.
Just look at the followers of Jim Jones. He also used religious fear and intimidation to control his flock and to scare away the naysayers. Then when too many people questioned his tactics he ran and hid somewhere where he had complete control and others could no longer confront him. He had his followers go out and recruit, and they were instructed to turn on anyone that questioned him. And they also drank poison.
Hi Ciscokid,
I know exactly what you mean. I no longer attend church and have not in a long time because I found too many so-called Christians to be the biggest hypocrites I ever met. And I see the same thing here in Curezone with all the religious ranters here. I have seen them REPEATEDLY lie about me, call me Satan for presenting the truth, get others to lie about me and accuse me of numerous things that they were really seeing in themselves. If this is what they think following God involves then they can keep it. I'll let God deal with their anti-God actions in the long run.
There is a big difference between sodium hypochlorite (bleach) and hydroxides. Hydroxides are some of the strongest free radicals known. And bleach does not turn your insides in to soap.
And it is not just the calcium hydroxide. It is also the black strap molasses. The proposal of this one protocol working for all diseases and disorders is ludicrous as I pointed out in this earlier post on another board:
And the treatment can cause more harm in the long run. Just like telling someone to drink caustic calcium hydroxide or black strap molasses as a cure all. What if the person has hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism or some other condition? What if the person is on calcium channel blockers to treat their high blood pressure? What if they are having heart arrhythmias due to calcium induced vasoconstriction? What if they have asthma or diabetic issues from a lack of magnesium and the excess calcium from the drink displaces more of the body's magnesium? What if the person has iron overload from hemochromotosis or a problem like polycythemia? Or has an infection that thrives on iron?
The protocol not only fails to take in consideration real human anatomy and physiology as it pertains to disease, but it also fails to consider the harm it can cause with a number of diseases that are aggravated by excessive calcium or iron.
I drank the ML mineral potion for months with none of the side effects you describe.
Can you offer any advice on the slight reddening in my eyes...I am sure the answer is sedimentary.
My recommendation is a good dose of Photoshop and no more looking at Moreless porn.
they should have had some testing done before embarking on any protocol.i never used lime as food personally since it gives you a health warning on the label but this could be substituted with something like coral calcium powder in case of deficiency.
Coral is not caustic like lime, but it is still poorly absorbed because it is a carbonate. Calcium carbonate also neutralizes stomach acid inhibiting proper absorption. Might as well take Tums, which is cheaper.
you won't get me to change my mind on the molasses , it's a healthy food in moderation.
I think you missed my point. There are conditions, such as hemochromotosis, where iron must be be avoided as much as possible. To say that taking molasses is part of a cure all is just sheer stupidity!!! At least people are not being injured too bad since he does not seem to understand the concept of calcium blocks iron absorption.
I totally agree with ML's recommendations of eating good quality food, and growing your own organic food.
I agree with this as well. But this is not an option for everyone. It is hard to grow your own organic food if you live in an apartment for example. And most of the food we buy in the supermarkets was picked so green that it is not going to have a lot of nutrition. And you are not going to tell high quality from low quality by looking at a plant's sugar content (brix).
This is why I think that herbs and supplements can be very helpfull, if we cannot get the nutrients we need from our food, because good food is unavailable or there are health issues that prevent us from obtaining what we need.
Agreed, but not all supplements are good. Some bad "nutrients" include calcium oxide/hydroxide, calcium carbonate (oyster shell, coral, dolomite), copper sulfate, magnesium oxide/hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and several other forms of potassium, and germanium dioxide to name a few. These are either poorly absorbed or outright dangerous.
Knowing the brix reading of food is a red herring, but he uses this to make himself sound knowledgable.
Totally agree. He loves to use scientific words that he does not have a clue what they mean counting on his followers being just as ignorant of the definitions.