I am a 38 year old woman, in good health as far as I know.
Eat well, work out regularly.
I went to my doctor this week, due to back pain while breathing that later went to my chest. After numberous tests he diagnosed pluerisy...but also noted that during the routine blood work that my liver enzymes were slightly elevated (ast-41 ~ alt-47)
He is ordering an ultrasound just to be safe, but doubts that
it is anything. I am slightly worried, as I have never had an abnormal anything.
I only drink lightly - maybe 3 glasses of wine a week...do not take any meds and rarely take aspirin. I do take vitamins, including: a Multi, B, C, E, and Bilberry. Also a skin / nail / hair vitamin.
Any words of wisdom would be appreciated as my mind tends to wander to the worst...