I'm doing a juice fast and on day seven right now. Four days in I did an apple cider vinegar enema and holy candida batman!! Anyhow I did some reading on this site and found if this is what’s coming out of me I should hit up some pro-biotic supplements so I did that on day five. Starting on day six I felt more ill then I have ever felt in my life and that continued through today. I tried everything exercise, extra water an extra enema ect ect. Then I remembered I'm lucky enough to have an infrared sauna, 20 min in there and I feel so much better, not 100% but at least this is bearable now and I'm not considering breaking the fast anymore. If you can get access to one of these when you're feeling the effects of die off I highly recommend it. By the way I’m not an expert and don't claim to no anything so if anyone feels the need to jump all over me and tell me how stupid I am go nuts I’m pretty thick skinned.