I wouldn't say there are two Gods exactly but rather there is more like a lesser
personality of God... I am fairly generous with human beings but I might be the
devil himself to cockroaches... but at the end of time...even this lesser aspect
of God reconciles his lesser aspect to her higher aspect... when he can't keep
time balanced... and souls begin to refuse to fall into bodies any more....
I know what you are saying about needing darkness to learn... but it seems to me
there could have been less severe learning than torturing humans and other
physical bodies than to create such a miserable and wretchedly painful dimension
as this one.... God, while never changing in timelessness,,, experiences his
huge ego in time... and grows up... and forgives himself.... then moves on to
higher love...
I say stuff I know alienates folks on the internet that I would be much more
subtle with if they were one my blind and deaf clients... folks who may have
attempted suicide... people in chronic pain... because it is my job to be kind
from 8-5... but I still tell my stories to them... just... with a lot more
subtlety... On the internet... I guess I am a bit less subtle and sometimes I come
across too strong... but I am here to learn how to sense those more subtle
energies too... One fine day....we will surf on the waves of those subtle
energies... and it will be our job to love subtly... and I hope those who I did not resonate with in this world will forgive me and we can
one day find our way beyond the discordant parts of my personality even...
I know Jesus of the Christian story started pissing off the money changers and
pulled out a whip on some meanies... so even a nice guy can have a bad day...
but in his story... he paid a heavy price for that outburst of anger... I wonder
what that fella' would have been like if he had been a web surfer....Ja...
Y-h(The Light) bless you All and everyone who rides these electronic waves of
mostly love...
Serving others is the best way I know to do this... I read a story that said we are born with one wing and we are here to learn to live cooperatively with others... allowing All others to be our other wing... we can fly on higher/// and higher ... flying into higher love...