Dr Mom
Many women have used castor oil to start their labors - if the cervix is ready, the contracting of the intestines will stimulate the uterus to start contracting. If your body is not ready - you will clean out, possibly be sick to your stomach and nothing will happen.
As far as enemas go - when I gave birth to my first child 35 years ago - it was routine to be given an enema when you went to the hospital - they did this to ensure your labor would keep going - same principle as the castor oil - clean the colon out and get the intestines contracting, so they can irritate the uterus into contracting.
Another method I have used is to have women take 2 blue cohosh capsules or tincture every 20 minutes while walking - preferably somewhere that is climate controlled like the mall - they usually do this for 2 to 3 hours or until they start to develop a headache (this is the body's signal it has had enough blue cohosh). Another technique which is similar is to take B & B tincture (blue & black cohost) in the same manner. The blue cohost helps to promote contractions and the black cohosh helps to make them effective.
When you are dialated to about 3 cm., you can ask your midwife to put some evening primrose capsules in the cervix - this will help to soften it and promote labor.
There are also various homeopathics which will help to promote labor - all of these are more effective if you can spend some time walking. As the contractions begin - if they are strong enough - lean against something, breathe through it and continue walking - this will help to keep it going. Once you hit 4 cm dialation, it will usually continue on it's own.
Hope this helps - keep me posted.