The thyroid needs iodine. The amino acid tyrosine (500-1000mg) and selenium (200-400mg selenimethione) help the conversion of
Iodine to thyroid hormone. The preferred forms of iodine, surprisingly is not kelp. Kelp is commonly contaminated with arsenic. So unless you can get the manufacturer to confirm through data analysis that it is not contaminated, iodoral or
Lugols Iodine is your best bet. Swanson Vitamins sells 2oz bottles of JCrow's 2%
Lugols iodine. Iodoral is the tablet form of lugols. Each tablet contains 12 mg of iodine. Google iodoral for the best price. 1-4 iodoral tablets daily is generally recomended.
Note that you may experience detox symptoms and the
Iodine clears out halides (bromide and fluoride) from the iodine receptors. Go to
to read about bromide detox and the salt loading to help the kidneys flush out the stirred up halides.
is another good site.
Cold pressed organic Coconut oil is supposed to be good for the thyroid. Find ways to add it to your diet: smoothies, cooking, I've even heard from some who put a tsp. in their morning coffee!!
Cleaning up your diet and environment and removing fluoride and bromide. Will help your thyroid. Fluoride is obviously found in our water supply and toothpaste/mouthwashes. If you can't afford a fluoride filter, at least stop using fluoride toothpastes and mouthwashes. Add boron to your supplement mix and it will keep your body from absorbing fluoride. Bromide is used as a dough conditioner in breads -- read the labels. Nature's Own is a bread company that does not use bromide. Mountain Dew and orange gateraid contain bromated vegetable oil.
Finally, thyroid glandulars may be helpful to you. If you do go with the thyroid glandulars, be aware that compared to rx dessicated thyroid, it is not as strong and you may need more than one tablet or capsule. If you stock up (ie. buy more than one bottle, stash them in the freezer to help keep them potent.
is a good site to learn more.