Exactly what the government wanted to create, that people stop buying fruits and veggies all together. (watch out: prices of healthy stuff will continue to rise to unseen levels) Nowadays it is cheaper to buy a complete lunch and dinner from McDonalds etc then to buy some fresh products and prepare yourself a meal. Exactly according to the design of The Establishment ! McDonalds and it's buddy companies are the only companies that have been making profits during these recession times. And still GROWING throughout the whole world, they continue opening shops everywhere !!
Also that whole bs argument to produce more Bio Fuel (to combat the fake global warming) ... Thousands of fields where they grew veggies and fruits in the past have been taken over by companies who produce all kind of GMO stuff on it nowadays to produce Bio Fuel. (because it is more profitable) With the result that veggies and fruits are becoming more and more scarce, and thus prices are going up. How long does it take before the real fruit of veggies are completely extinct, and we only have one choice namely get our lunch and dinner food from McDonalds ?
Picking a fruit from the tree in nature might even become illegal !! Or THEY just burn the next forest down, as they have been doing big time throughout California and so many other places around the world.
Yes yes, those Anti Globalists folks who demonstrated and fought for our independence for so many countries in the early days where not so wrong after all. They knew what was coming and tried to warn the people, but most of the sheeple on earth where to occupied with their own shit, with their $$ lifestyle.