My experiance with CS
As long I can remember I have nose problems, no air enough, green and yello substance.
I googled a lot and read about CS.
I A few years ago I bought a very simple cs-maker kit, for about 65 euro’s.
I made a lot of yello cs, but was not satisfied, I thought the size of the silver was to big (agglomeration).
Also the destilled water was not good quality (Brand was Tendo) sometimes more the 5um/S.
So I spend a lot of time and money into it.
Then I discovered this site and read all about it.
I bought a Silver Puppy en the best medical destilled water (uM/mS <0,06)
Brand of the water is Aqua Dest (
Now I made super quality CS (clear, not yellow)
After this I bought a few of empty nose-sprays and filled them with cs, and use that in my nose, after approx 2 weeks, the most terrible substance I ever saw came out, and since that time, my nose is completely free of dirt. I’m cured! amazing
So my tips are:
Spend some money and make super CS.
Buy measure equipment. (Hanna)
Keep everything clean, hands, rods, jar, ect. to avoid a raising of conductivity (clean every time your jar with kitchen paper)
Use destilled water only, medical quality only. I notist, a lot of water suppliers think that destilled water and deminiralised(?) (demiwater) water are the same things. Watch that carefully! Measure before you start your batch.
Use some kind of a stirrer, to avoid agglomeration.
I have te magnetic stirrer from Silver Puppy, but every time I walk around my silvermaker, I do a extra stir with a plastic spoon.
greetings from Holland!