i am very succeptible to
Aspartame poisoning. about a month ago i was in a taco bell and got a regular dr pepper. i took a drink and it did not taste right. i took it to the cashier and told her and asked for another cup. the lady behind the counter looked at two people sitting next to the fountain drinks and said its still not right. one of these people who worked for drpepper. said to me " we are using a new formula and it is not mixed right". since then i have been noticing that fountain drinks without
Aspartame taste strange and i get dizzy spells soon after. ive got a sneaky hunch that the drink makers are mixing
Aspartame in with sugar. they do not have to label these products and could easily get away with it. only a few at the top would know the truth. the underlings would be told that it was simply a new mixture to taste better. scary times we live in folks when our own government and others want us neurologically screwed up.