If you sift through posts at the Swine
flu forum you will see that the best thing
to do for the Swine Flu jab is to avoid
Just over 4 months ago, I was given
a tetanus vaccine. Within an hour I
had a severe reaction and this much
time later, in spite of my efforts,
I am still dealing with the repercussions.
I think the Swine Flu shots would be much
worse and is designed to first suppress
your immune system. Then they will give
you shot number two which is the actual
cocktail of viruses. The final shot which
will include the adjuvant, Squalene, is
designed to turn your immune system back
on which will then compel it will turn on you~~
here is some info on the dangers of
plus this page which gives a lot of
background info on the H1N1~~
Anyway, to deal with the repercussions
of the vaccine I received I am using~~
Colloidal Silver
Diatomaceous Earth
Magnesium Malate
Cat's Claw
Olive Leaf
MH's Blood Purifier
Red Clover Tea
and this product~
as well as castor oil packs
on my joints where the vaccine
seems to have settled.
I am still in this process so am
incorporating other supplements
as I integrate and move through
the detox.
Hopefully, there will be so many
people in front of you in line that
they run out of shots or the number
of "refuseniks" is so high that the
government just suspends the progrom.
Recently I saw where the President of
Costa Rica got Swine Flu and it was
mild enough he kept working~~
If the flu can be this mild, and regular
flu kills thousands each year, a series
of untested shots seems overkill to me.
I wish you health and safety from shots~~