"And that is why, I believe, some of the most effective natural alternative cancer treatments, such as the Budwig protocol are those which return normal oxygenation, normal cellular communication and normal programmed cell death - as well as the natural alternatives that cleanse and detox and the ones that boost and restore immune functions."
Well, yes, exactly...It stands to reason that good juices and all that healthy oil balancing, etc. etc. is going to be a big help. And that's why there are different ways to feed the body, depending on one's body type. But this "treatment" model is still thinking 'disease' rather than dis-ease: which involves so many levels of the body and its energy pathways, and that's the essential point that Andreas starts from, as far as I can tell.
It's not that this or that alternative protocol is a treatment per se, so much as it supplies whatever the individual body was lacking, (that is, apart from addressing a -universal- condition of serious pH imbalance).
With most cancers you could probably reduce treatments to a few very simple things in terms of diet, and then, or even before, add forgiveness.
No body lacks chemotherapy, radiation, nor the radiation it's subjected to before diagnosis even happens (!), the so-called 'cancer screening' methods people are encouraged to get yearly.
And so, if the body (that is, one not operating under 'mind control') were in good balance, it would not attract the state of cancer.
ah, but I have to point out the exceptions: there are some bodhisattvas who are awakened people who've agreed to take on and process the ripening karmas of others, to dissolve these, and these people, if they develop cancers, may well be operating at a level far beyond what we can even fathom-- in this case, the whole subject of "treatment" or "forgiveness" or "diet" is about as significant as the dreams of a gnat on the ear of an elephant.
But, back to more common folk, like the large mass of humanity-- The cancer cells that exist in all bodies -and in healthy ones are dealt with, ongoingly- would not gain such a foothold that the body would even go so far as to create new blood vessels in order to supply the tumours (thus keeping the cancer contained, and also allowing the tumours to collect substances in excess, such as sugar?) Pretty elegant way to keep house, under 'threatening' conditions, if you ask me. And to think we've been so utterly brain-washed into 'believing in' cancer, to almost glorifying it, and glorifying a certain culture of victimhood, to the self-congratulatory runs 'for the cure', and all that; all of that which is simply reducing the Spirit of consciousness, which is bigger than any man-made idea to little cogs, big machine. As Joel Grey so sagaciously sang in Cabaret, "money makes the world go round...” Money itself of course being nothing but energy, but when people want more and more, and for others to have less and less, wickedness bursts forth, and births giant machines that are so vast no one can see them....
I can't help but notice a new, truly awful TV advertisement, in that it's so blatantly manipulative, almost like a military recruitment ad....will likely motivate all sorts of people to donate money to the industry to "help find a cure". (There are plenty of "cures", if people will actually learn to see what is behind cancer, and what they have to change, and take their lives back form the slavery they have bought themselves.) The ad uses The Verve's Bittersweet Symphony in a way that will probably earn some ad execs a huge bonus.
sorry---i digress. But it's all part of the same whirling top. Like the fairground toy of a crazed clown.
Of course this is not to say cancer can't kill you, but I think you might be missing the *whole picture* of what Andreas is seeing: it's not about 'thinking' cells, and so forth. >> to fix upon that, in a dismantling fashion would be to look myopically with a literalist's glasses upon a mandala of the universe that is far less static, and far more wondrous! than we have always been taught to believe.
It's our own thoughts that trap us, and keep us debating
what we think, when in fact, our bodies are always reacting to what we feel (in the heart).
It doesn't pay you see, to have people believing in their own innate strength, or self-responsibility (which is not the same as blame). Have you noticed though, how cancer sufferers, whose pH conditions mean they are also likely depressed, or emotionally stretched thin, etc etc., will debate 'alterative' types, and so often will righteously claim that these people (who advocate healing changes in diet and fundamental thought-systems) are really just causing the one suffering more trouble, and that they are "blaming the victim"? It seems almost criminal, and it is, that people are poisoned with drugs that render them so ill they can't think straight. But people demand these "services", (as various bodies are hoping will happen with the new virus scare) which gives the reflective person genuine, sobering cause for reflection.
It's a fact that more people die of the (toxic) treatments that destroy the body's very matrix and leave it open to death by causes *other* than cancer, (which might allow the industry to skew figures on "survival rates" ), than those that die of cancer. Of course it's all sort of cloudy, since the truth can be covered up by the many conflicting drugs and "side-effects".
Many many cancers spontaneously resolve themselves, without ever being treated, (perhaps by adopting better lifestyle habits, or changing one's internal programs (i.e. thoughts and memories, beliefs and expectations, angers and griefs...self blame as well as toxic loads from various external sources.) Mind is really the builder, as has been proven again and again, by so many who've seen; while sometimes a half-seeing (rather insidious) is packaged in very marketable half-truths that are like fast food--the food, without the nourishment. The soup, without the cook, so to speak. These will actually lead masses of people "into temptation" rather than aim to liberate them.
As Buddha is reported to have said, when he reached enlightenment, "I have found you, oh builder, you shall build no more". He wasn't then going to 'stop' his mind--instead, he saw the mechanism of the thought-system in-error, and once it is seen, it can be deactivated.
It's interesting that they don't track survivors past five years, after which many times cancer "returns". Esp. so if it has been treated in any of the cut/kill and burn methods. I think what Andreas is trying to get people to do is think in a new way that doesn't treat the body as if it were some stranger, or rather, a familiar friend acting (suddenly) strangely. It's a subtle and radical shift in the way a person thinks, and it would seem to require the kind of shake-up that the title, and its whole orientation alludes to.
I’m not trying to debate you, just very inspired by the shift in thinking that Andreas’ book offers people. For a really mind-expanding, and very likely humbling read, take a look at this: this is how His Holiness the sixteenth Karmapa’s “disease” impacted people. ( He is known as an embodiment of supreme compassion, and "knower of the three times".)The account is in the words of his US (I believe) doctor.
I pray all those who happen to read this will be touched by the grace of His Holiness, and moved to move beyond ordinary -so often divisive- thinking.
take care. Thanks for the dialogue