THIS IS IT! This is one of the sites everyone in cure zone needs to read. Yes we put lots of info about cleansing the body, although some may not think it to be important it is. And so is taking probotics. I hear lots of people who say they stop taking probotics because their BO problem didn't go away, BIG MISTAKE, these sites explain what taking probotics can do for some infectious diseases, as well as prevent them,especially those in the bowels and digestive tract. It even shows an infected colon and what it can look like when good bacteria is not put back into the digestive flora. Diseases can spread to the the Pulmonary tract due to sickness and disease.
So many hospitals get patients with diseases like Ecoli,C-Diff,colon Cancer, and even pulmonary disesases, based upon the fact that peole take lots and lots of antibiotics for infections but after the antiiotic treatment is done good bacteria is not returned to strengten the immune system, And with a strong immune system our bodies are better able to fight infection and disease, some may not want to hear it but because of this our cells in the immune system become weakened, and is unable to fight off diseases and as a result we get sick.
I learned a lot from this sites,aand that doctors are finding out that probotics strengthen the immune system in the small intestines thats why lots of doctors are encouraging their patients to eat yougurt because of the probotic ingredients. Probotics and Prebotics may very well help combat infections in the digestive system as well as helps to heal the body also, and may prevent cancer. A lot of us focus on the odor but not the problems that got it that way. I'm hoping everyone will check out these sites, they are educational and very informitive, The bottom line, taking Probotics and Prebotics should be taken on a daily basis. Very Good Post, God bless.