Hi imaxfli,
Your comment: ...the HealthCare Bill that is.....don't label something it is not...50 MILLION Americans are Uninsured, many of these being children, do they not deserve Healthcare in a country where money manipulators make Hundreds of Millions of dollars????
Answer: Have "YOU" read it?
Did you know this was in it:
For those who are Un-willing to read the fine print:
#1 Citizens have NO choice in their own HC or benefits.
#2 Our Health care WILL be rationed
#3 ANY individual who does not have acceptable HC according to Govt will be taxed 2.5% of income
#4 Govt will RESTRICT enrollment of Special needs people! Unbelievable, in other words just like Hitler Killed everyone who was Non-productive!
#5 The Gov determines How and When our Life Ends!
How many of you who are presently Sick and Diseased are ready for the government to drag YOU off to the Gas Chamber?
The present administration is on the same path as Hitler!
This is to Kill all those who are Elderly, Sick and Disabled!
While they are Killing these folks, what makes you think they won't go ahead and kill all the street children or orphans etc?
Hmmmmmm and you are worried about the children not having Health care now?
They seem to propose to just Kill them and be done with those less Desirable, just like Hitler!
Is this what WE want?
Maybe this is fine if it isn't someone you Love, but what about other folks Rights?
Because this is the basics of the obamacare!
Don't belive it?
Maybe we had better read the Fine print!
Cause and effect!
Smile Tis your choice.