Just wanted to say "thank you" so from the bottom of my heart, since I have finally gotten up the "courage" to try Dr. H. Clark's recipe for a gallbladder/liver flush, the one using the
Epsom Salts , grapefruit juice, and olive oil.
In short, I recommend this to every single allergy-sufferer I know now.
Long version:
It has been 2wks since, and I intend to do another one, jic.
I got much "chaff", several "skittle-sized" stones, about 200 "Chiclet-sized" stones, and hundreds and hundreds of BB-sized stones and smaller....
I have had horrendous allergies since birth, (40yrs) and worse the past several years now since I am no longer on allergy-shots, and tho' I still "have allergies", I am better off than I have been in over 10yrs. Amazing. PTL <><
ps---It is apparently a coincedence, but at the end of the workday, my socks no longer leave a deep impression in my ankle (??). (I am taking Beta Sitosterol now, too, so...).