as you may or may not know, I have had head injureis and it takes me awhile to find time to post in my notepad.
I know this info is vitally important to you esp at your age/
and for any woman indeed that suffers hair loss.
i amm extremely tight scheduled right now in my personal life,
so bear with me.. i will gather some info i think you will find helpful in understanding potential reasons, and what iam cureetnly doing with great success for me..
in teh meantime, if you woudl like to know some of the detoxes
i have done, youcan click on fromt the homepage the hotbutton labeled *In The Light*
that interview was done in DEcember, 2003, bu t because of server switches and settling in, it was posted in March.
since then I have also done Andreas
kidney stone dissolv e flush and a wonderful March 19/20 liver flush.. and used changs gold coin grass to break up
Gallstones etc.. in preparation to that.
so as i can ove rthe weekend i will writ ein my notepa dfor you
and try to past a response by monday.
since i already ahv emy weekend time pretty well shceduled
and i know you need an indepth response to understan dhow you can achieve a balance even by the food syou intake 8)
no i do not believe it is the red clove rblossoms..
btw if youare usigng flavnoids/bioflavnoids /etc foem a supplemetnal form..
often they use soy which is most toxic.
i fyou use red cloce rblossom. youcan grow it easily your self
and or order the herb in bulk at extrmeely low cost and make your
own tea.. then you know you ar egetting the real deal
grows most of their own herbs and will denote certified organiaclly grown where applicable
they sell very low cost 4
oz bulk bags *)
if you decide to grow your own might check out
the sweet clover can grwoto ithink 6 ft high , but youare looking for the red clover.. it is a perineal and then youcan have fun harvestign your own blossoms 8)
they aslo sell a garlic barrier to repeall insects and birds/ rabits deer etc.. *)