...that THE single most important thing to heal the adrenal glands (or anything that's wrong in the body) is to remove the CAUSE of the adrenal damage.
Millions/billions of people throughout history lived & died without adrenal distress...without isolated supplements, without adaptogenic herbs, (and many) without any of the foods listed.
The CAUSE of adrenal distress is NOT a lack of supplements or certain foods. The CAUSE of adrenal distress is STRESS, pharmaceuticals, STRESS, stimulants (like coffee, tea, drugs), STRESS, ElectroMagnetic POISON (microwaves, EMF's
Cell Phone S, WiFi, and general electo-pollution)
kidney stress, STRESS, and anything else that poisons or imbalances the natural state of the body.
>>>Research shows that these fields have a disruptive effect on the energy levels of your body. You have to expend energy to counter the high frequencies of EMF. This can magnify your body's "Fight or Flight" responses, compound your adrenal loads from other stressors, and significantly reduce your ability to function effectively. This can also impair your body's natural ability to heal.
EMF exposures may cause a number of adverse effects including weakness and fatigue, increased anxiety, decreased mental function, headaches, dizziness and impaired vision. The long-term adverse health effects of EMF are still unclear, although a number of studies show serious health consequences. Emotional imbalances and mental fatigue can also result from EMF exposures. <<<
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Yes, we can help heal & restore the damage done by using band-aids and things that support the healing, but we will NEVER heal ourselves until we eliminate the CAUSE of the problem.
Healing blessings in truth :)