i lost allteh hair on my body except my head hair for a series of event s in my life/ any how.. it di dmake my hair thinner and recently after detoxign alot it has gottena bit thinner.
i have searched a bit on this subject and tryign out a few diff things i have seen folsk say worke dfo rthem on teh forum posts all over...
one was inositol/choline treatments which if you search web is used to treat thinning hair and apparent ly to a degree of sucess/ apparently you wan tthe combination of the 2 cause the inositol is used alone for other reasosns also/
i got mine at www.herbaladvisor.com for 13.70 total
the source naturals brand 800 mgs = 400 inositol and 400 choline. i have been usign it for a week now. with no adverse reactions.
also i am taking msm and vitamin c ithink the recommened dose is liek 2 parts msm to 1 part vitamin c = 1000 mgs of msm then yo uwoudl take with it 500 mgs vitamin c.
that is the dose i am taking. folks that i talked to or read post form said it was veyr helpful in stopping further ahir loss/ i got my msm from www.webvitamins.com 180 caps of doctors best brand each 1000 mgs for 13.25
and i got my vitamin c at local food store.500 mgs tabs so i jstu take one of each 2 times a day or at least once a day.
also a gal had posted that shehad used oil of rosemary in her shampoos and also ahd rubbedit diluted withother oils into her scalp off and on and after a few month had mor ehair than she had before/ new thick soft hair was growign back in..
i used o thave an herb garden and had made my ex rosemary hair rinses when he had a dandruff problem and it lceared it up/ rosemary and marigolds rinse... so i knew it woudl help in circualtion and elemiation of potential cell buildup there.
so i ahve staredted adding oil of rosemary in samll bit s to my shampoos i got mine at www.iherb.com for 8$ a 1
oz bottle .. it is extrmemly concentrated!! it will burn you i fyou don't dilute it! i jsut add about 8 drops to my shampoo bottle/ also add oil of oregano but we are talkign bout the rosemary right now *smile*
start eatign more carrots they are very good for skin/hair/
and i knwo this is costly for a seventernn yr old...
but total i have invested in thsoe 3 things is about 35 $ and seems liek i have a good 3 motns supply. if i do not see improvement in 3 motnhs then i will certainly stop.
another thought/ low weight/ hormonal balnaces can affect all of this /are you getting good oils in your body of the good kind?
olive oil/ peanut oil/ etc?
teh skin adn hair willb e first to go/ if not getting good oils in.
if it is hormonal detoxes can help get you back in blanace..
i thoguth i had a hypothyroid problem/ but after doing the cleanses almost all the problems that i ahd are gone.
virgin coconut oil is expensive for a young man/ but i fyoucan afford evne a littel bit get some goto the coconut forum/ my son uses his on his breads etc rice as a butter substitute/ goto the tropical traditons website and read on teh benfit of it/
good luck to you if i see good results i will post too what i ahve been doing. i knwo tha tmy ahir is alreayd looking healthier and shinier and less dry/
Ami B.