Hey guys and gals -
Luella decided to head for home anyway yesterday afternoon. Within a couple of hours away from the environment with the cats and other allergens, she reported that her breathing was already much improved and she was feeling well - and she was not even out of the valley of smog yet. I wanted to fly out there but had no way to do so until this coming Monday and she did not want to wait.
As of 12:30 last night my time (10:30 her time), she was still doing well and was 15 miles outside of Phoenix.
Hopefully, by Saturday evening we will be back home in the cleaner air and familiar pollens of East Texas with no cats and just our beloved "found dogs", where we can make and eat nutritious and healthy meals, take care of each other and make sure we are both doing the things we need to do.
Myself, I am tremendously improved - with just a bit of referred pain in my foot remaining, and I hope to be reporting tremedous improvement in our Luella soon too.
I do miss her so, and look forward to nurturing her back to the pink of health! And when we get settled in we have some exciting plans for this forum (yes, we really will be having things other than the sagas of Luella and Tony - lol). So do stay tuned.
Thanks so very much to all of you for your concern and help.
All the best,
My gal is back! Now, after a good night's rest we just have to make the final trip back to home sweet home so I can love and nurture her back to health!
Thanks to all for your concerns and support!
As I said, we have lots of new things in store when we get back and settled in - and many more chapters to write in the story of Luella and Tony.
All the best to everyone,