Everyday people are telling about their experience/improvement.
The "Normal" attitude on this forum is not: "You can buy the rest of my story", after first "bragging" about improvements.......
I can tell what my hub is expiring.
I believe it must have been in February or March, after reading a post from a mother who bought Saw Palmetto for her son, saw big improvements and started to take the same product her self, and also had less hair falling out.
We live in, what seems to be: "the Most Strictly Country in Europe",
but to my surprise, I did find such a product in our healthcare stores!
I bought Prostamax from Nature`s Sunshine.
The first two months I made Fenugreek seed tea for him (morning and evening).
I also made a pure of the Fenugreek seed and laid it on thick, on his scalp and covered with plastic. (30 min. 2-3 times a week).
He now has less hair falling out.
Tree weeks ago I discovered that he has a lot of new hair coming out as well.
He, of course, is in 7th. heaven, so he has now switched from 2 capsules a day to 3.
Hair re growth is not done over night or a couple of weeks, so patience is very important.
He is chewing pumpkin seeds everyday as well, and Californian prunes (loaded with antioxidants)
I have not had the courage to try this "male" products yet,.. lol.
Just bought a Progesta Care cream to see if there might be any change to my hair loss, as I did not loose any hair during my pregnancies.....patience, patience...