I've been a Kevis user for about ten years now. I wasn't really bald, but when I first got it I felt I was going bald. I had done some steroids a couple of summers which definitely effected my hair And took larger doses of DHEA off and on. Friends would say "You're losing your hair!" "You're gonna be bald!" These same friends ridiculed me when I purchased Kevis. Not to mention when I told them what I paid for it. I bought a full years worth. I think it was around 900. Maybe more. Then after a while these same friends commented on how thick my hair had gotten! I buy a years worth and it lasts me like three years because I don't have to use it every day. I'll do it for a few months then stop. I highly recommend it. It's definitely going to take more than a month to tell if it's working. Whatever price they give you barter with them.
I'm going to be forty this year and have a thick head of hair.