About 2 months ago, my husband and I decided to move to town. We started house hunting and found the one we wanted the first day, but it needed a lot of work done on it. We started immediately, while also trying to sort and pack an accumulation of 14 years of "stuff". During that time my husband developed symptoms of, and was diagnosed with lung cancer, and we also got moved into our new house. So now we're dealing with a house that's not quite finished, we're trying to get everything moved out of our former home and all of the appointments, tests and treatments that go along with the cancer diagnosis, AND I'm trying to deal with the fact that the chances for a cure are very slim.
I have fibromyalgia and depression and I have never handled stress well at all, but this is the worst situation I've ever been in. I didn't mean to make this so long, but I want to paint an accurate picture.
Now, my hair has started coming out. I'm pretty sure it's stress related, but I know there's no way I'm going to be able to reduce that stress for quite awhile. I know that there are supplements recommended for stress. Can anyone help me?