i can't help but wonder what non-pets might have to say--and think that if people have trouble with this; maybe fearing what their pets would tell them!, then imagine what knowing what, say, a dolphin or a whale would tell us, or what the elephants being taught to paint might want to tell the world.
Of course, pets are more attuned to human ways of thinking, so one would assume the channel there is a more open one.
If I had this woman's gift, I would love to be able to speak for some of the world's endangered creatures -- and even the forgotten, such as cows: the ones treated as just so much "food"; or entertainment. sobering. It may be one thing to appreciate that in spirit we are all connected -humans, that is- but how might the world change if we saw that all *beings*; all aliveness and 'things' are part of the picture of Oneness. boggles the mind.
I used to know a man who had this gift; a friend of my mother's. He was very low-key about it all, it was just something he could do. Actually, animals would talk to him, rather than him seeking to communicate with them. They recognized him as one open to hearing. Once, my mother left her cat with me while she was away, and the cat
seemed to be ailing...I called the friend, who informed me, ", Gypsy already was in touch with me. He told me what was wrong, and wht to do (which was mainly to tell her how long my mother would be gone, and to apologize for not making her feel welcome) , and within a few minutes she was back to her old self.