Hello Ladies...Here it is 2 days after removal. I am so far have very little side effects. Have been spotting. Nothing I have to wear protection for. Mild cramping made me get up at 5 am for some advil. I feel as if my body is thawing. Not from cold, but from the toxins in it. My tingling in R.leg has been less noticable and the tension in shoulders, left arm seem to be relaxing. I still have the feeling of fullness in the chest area and the feeling of blood rushing to the chest area(like a head rush). Even they seem to be less severe. I have been drinking Monavie (which is full of antioxidants-you can get it on e-bay for way less than from co.)twice the normal amount hoping to flood my body with good stuff. Had a friend who detoxed from alcohol and drank it by the glass and didn't have the normal withdrawal Dr. said he would have. It couldn't hurt. I realize this may all be in my head, but at this point It doesn't matter, I just want to feel NORMAL!!I don't even remember what that is. I am soon to be 34 and have 2 little boys 3 and 5. I shouldn't feel the way I have. I feel as if Mirena has robbed me of alot. I always had aches, due to my physical job, but nothing a few advil wouldn't take care of. The anxiety I never had and unless you suffer from it, is hard to explain. You can't just suck it up and move on. I have done that many times, but in my head am not relaxed and enjoying life like I should be. I wish I would have never had Miren and took my chances with more kids. The way I have felt the last year or so, has made me think I don't have the energy for another kid. Just try and take care of the ones I have. Hopefully, this is the beginning of a healthier life. Has anyone felt normal since removal?