I know this conversation is long finished with (it is April now) but I'm posting this for anyone who might have been looking for info on Saw Palmetto side effects, as I have been. This is what I found:
The side effects are mild and common sense will prevent them. You might feel sick or have stomach problems if you don't take them with or after a meal. Taking medicine with a meal is often recommended on the back of the bottle anyway, no matter what it is you're taking. Just think of what happens if you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, it gets into your bloodstream, unadulterated, that much faster. Its the same thing.
It is also true that it has an effect on male babies - IN THE WOMB. Palmetto is a hormone, which is the whole point of its use, so it would affect an unborn child in utero which is why PREGNANT WOMEN SHOULD NOT TAKE IT! You don't want to go having some poor hermaphrodite baby just cos you couldn't be arsed to read the back of a packet or research it on the net. Hope this is a help...