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Hi, I have been on anti-parasite herbs for a while and recently during a liver flush I passed some tomato skins.
My first bowel movement I passed stones... then my second bowel movement I passed the tomato skins in stools... then more stones in a third movement.
I hate tomatoes and have not eaten them in ages. Nor have I eaten anything that could even remotely look like the skins for quite some time.
There were about 20 skins, average of 1-inch wide and 3-4 inches long and about as thick as a quarter. They were reddish-brown in color. I am not sure if they could be broken apart because I didn't try (though I should have in retrospect.) Some were even 5 inches long and two inches wide.
My questions is: what are these things and where do they reside? I understand that, according to other posts, tomato skins usually mean liver flukes. If this is true, how the hell do these things live in my liver? Is their even enough room in there? If they lived in my liver how did they come out? They are rather large and I read somewhere the ducts are only 5mm-1cm wide. Maybe they are from the intestine instead? If so what could they be?
I have another question too: If someone kills a parasite in their liver and they never flush their liver... what happens? Does the liver expel it automatically, does it dissolve, or does it just sit there clogging up the liver?
Thankyou and sorry for so many question.