ab maybe you have to use the higher dose, .5 rather than .1
Tretinoin reduces inflamation.
So maybe the higher dose will help
Here's an excerpt from article i read:
The inflammation of
Acne lesions is remarkably reduced when tretinoin is used on a nightly basis. It is a basic treatment of
Acne that everyone should be using if they suffer from this condition. In addition, tretinoin has a proven track record of reducing the ill effects of aging on the skin and is therefore used in many other anti-aging regimens to help maintain more youthful looking skin.
Other agents are adapalene (Differin® ) and azelaic acid (Financae®). Adapalene has actions similar to tretinoin. Both products help unblock pores, reduce inflammation, modulate cellular differentiation, keratinization and inflammatory processes. All of these actions represent important features of the pathology of acne.
When the inflammation is severe and nodules with cysts develop, an oral Vitamin A preparation may be utilized called Isotretinoin (Accutane®, Amnesteem®, Claravis®, and Sotret®). Isotretinoin works by causing the oil glands in the skin to shrink. They thus produce less oil, with subsequent reduction in the formation of
Acne lesions. However, this should only be prescribed under strict guidelines by a knowledgeable physician since serious side effects may occur from taking this medication.