Congratulations on the wedding fella but I do have to take issue with the girlfriend comments you made. I have EC and have for 3 years. For the first two years I had way too little confidence to even try and get a girlfriend but in the last year, using some of the creams listed here I've been able to deal with the condition and have had one good relationship and am in the early stages of a second. My lips probably aren't the worst on the board but I have the constant peeling cycle particularly on my top lip with the worst affected area being the bottom-middle of the top lip.
To anyone with this horrible condition. You can maintain it and you can have relationships. Believe it or not but some people like you for you and aren't that concerned by your lips. I'd hid mine so well that the girl I was with for two months didn't realise I had the condition until I told her. She remarked that she'd, "Occasionally noticed my lips were sometimes dry in the morning." I did sometimes have to get up and do a quick "wet and wipe" of the lips before she awoke but thats not too difficult to do!
I'm going to try this Tretinoin I think. I really believe dissolving the white lumps in my lip will unblock the pores and allow moisture through to the surface.
Good luck people and do not let this take over your life. Since getting Batrafen and Dovonex I've found that although my lips aren't perfect no-one (Not even my closest friends, and they are completely honest with me) really notices. Keep your head up and try to lead as normal life as possible.
This will be beat one day and worrying about it doesn't make things any better and may contribute to making them worse.
Keep the unity in the peeling lip community...