Looks like I need to clarify what I said about the placental issue, so here are the issues I discussed broken down:
1) I have never done this - the first time I heard about it was when the Amish midwife told me about it - since there are many ancient traditions which we are just now beginning to truly understand the benefits of, I put it on a back shelf in my mind to research later.
I have a son and his family living in a third-world country where many people do not have the benefit of the same nutrition and supplements we have, which has opened my eyes to alot of suffering on this planet. I tend to be a 'fix-it' type of person - this was the first time I began to realize I didn't have the means or the capacity to fix all of the sorrows I come across, so I RESEARCH alot of different ancient traditions to find out if there is any validity to them. In this way, through education, I find that I can help alot more - it goes back to the old addage, "You can give a person a fish and feed him for one meal or you can teach him how to fish and feed him for life".
2) When it was mentioned here, I said to RESEARCH it. I did not say to DO it.
3) After 6 months of being involved in these forums, I have come to understand several things:
- I do not know how many forums are here, but if you were to post the same question on everyone of them - that's how many different OPINIONS you could get for each question.
- Occasionally, some of us have had some EXPERIENCE with a particular issue and so, HOPEFULLY, you can LEARN some things from our EXPERIENCES.
- Just because someone has had some EXPERIENCE or especially because someone has an OPINION does not make it absolute truth.
- The other thing you have to understand is that the majority of these forums was set up to make MONEY, which means you also have to filter out the PROPAGANDA.
- In the end, each person must do their RESEARCH, then DECIDE what fits into the pardigm of TRUTH that they are functioning in at this time and place in their life. There is not always one truth for everyone because everyone is not functioning in the same time, place or pardigm as another. Many are in different places along the road of this journey.
- There are a few other things I have discovered about these forums which we will leave for another time - let's just suffice it to say for now that this is a 'sounding board' - a place for you to bounce your ideas off the walls and see what comes back. As long as you are learning and growing through your experience, there are no stupid questions.
Steven M. Greer, MD said, ". . . it was an intuitive knowing, because the symptom complex, if anything, would have led me into a facile diagnosis of the flu, and I would have "treated and streeted", as we say. But if I had not followed my inner knowing, in less than 12 hours he would have been dead. As it turned out, he had neurosurgery and it was successful. We really can bring this kind of capacity and knowledge into our careers, even though we're not 'supposed to' - and particularly those of us who are hard science people. In science and medicine, this sort of thing is very frowned upon. And yet, I have found that there are a number of physicians who have had similar experiences that they won't talk about openly for fear of ridicule."
I would add that not only in your career, but in your every-day comings and goings you can tap into a source higher than your own conciousness which will help you to know what is right in your circumstances.
Hope this clears up any misunderstandings.