This is an update on continuing preparations for an imminent American-led war against Iraq. Israeli security sources say they are certain that an attack will be launched in the coming weeks, despite the fact that only three countries are currently backing the US position in the UN Security Council, and in the face of worldwide anti-war protests not seen since the 1960s. They say President Bush has reaffirmed his determination to destroy Saddam’s dictatorial regime, and realizes he is better off authorizing an attack fairly soon before his political position erodes any further.
Sources tell me that the moon is the most influential factor concerning the timing of the expected attack. Full at present, it will go into its darkest monthly phase at the end of this month, with a new moon (absolute black) due on March 3rd. However, only a sliver will appear in the pre-dawn sky from around the 27th of February. This is important since US and British forces are projected to sweep into Iraq soon after dark one evening in the next few weeks, hoping to capture much Iraqi territory in the first night of action. Possessing a major technical advantage over Iraqi forces in nighttime fighting, they will aim to rapidly seize the southern and western deserts where potential Iraqi Scud attacks could take place against Kuwait and Israel. They hope to be on the edges of Baghdad within a few days at most, having reduced the chances of such missile attacks to near zero. Then the real war is likely to begin, unless Saddam authorizes chemical attacks on the advancing troops.
Many Israeli military analysts had earlier stated that potential Scud attacks upon Israel (experts here estimate that Saddam still has around 20 operational missiles and a few launchers) would probably come later in the expected operation, instead of from the beginning as occurred during the original Gulf War in 1991. However, after war plans detailing a rapid ground advance were published in major American newspapers last week, most revised their assessments, saying the greatest threat to Israel would probably come in the initial hours of the expected attack. This seemingly being the case, look for Israelis to be warned to take shelter just before the US-led operation is launched.
Of course, Saddam also realizes that the dark of the moon is the best time for coalition forces to strike. Given the erosion of UN support for war at this time, it could well be that George Bush will order the commencement of the military campaign in the coming days, even if all of his desired ground forces are not yet in place, and some declining moonshine illuminates those that are. Much might depend of Turkey’s decision this week concerning the stationing of coalition forces on its territory.
Although there is a potential of a pre-emptive Iraqi attack upon Israel, analysts here believe the chances are extremely low since that would hand the worldwide moral high ground back to George Bush. Saddam is said to be counting on political and material support during the expected American siege of Baghdad from several countries, which would be eroded if he were to attack first. However, since he is a demonized dictator who passionately hates Israel, nothing can be taken for granted. Still, Internet reports this weekend that Israelis were alerted about an imminent attack were not true.
Instead, we are expecting massive terror strikes to be attempted in the coming days. Indeed, six Palestinian Islamic terrorists were killed on Sunday while loading an unmanned drone aircraft with powerful explosives. It was either a “work accident” or, more likely, an operation by Israeli forces who somehow learned of their hellish plot. Among Israel’s greatest fears is that terrorists will attempt to deploy such drones carrying chemical or biological weapons in the coming days in order to create panic before the war begins with Iraq.
Other fears center on Lebanon, where Hizbullah’s leader made another fiery anti-Israel speech on Sunday. Security sources tell me that Ariel Sharon may well take advantage of a coalition strike on Iraq to clean out the terrorist infrastructure that has grown unhindered since Ehud Barak yanked Israeli forces out of southern Lebanon in May 2000. Although this could lead to a full war with Syria—which possesses a massive missile arsenal and potent chemical warheads—my sources say Sharon may estimate that it is best to take on such risks when the Israeli military, police and public are already on full war footing, preparing for possible non-conventional attacks.
Many of you know that I have thought for some years that the next major war would likely see the fulfillment of a prophecy in Isaiah 17 that speaks of the total destruction of the Syrian capital, Damascus. If Sharon takes on Hizbullah (or if they strike first), this could well come about at this time. Of course, only the Sovereign Lord knows exactly when and how such prophecies will be fulfilled. However, current military, security and political realities certainly point to this potential in the coming days.