i see a lot of negative posts re mms and can say that from my personal experience taking it, that this much is true for me.1 i noticed within days that my prostrate improved markedly, and remains that way. i now have a strong stream like a young man that i am no longer.
2 skin tags under my arms fell off. 3 a blood blister looking spot on my lip that i had for years turned white and healed up. 4 i can think much clearer than before. 5 an age spot on my face has lightened up markedly. 6 for 6 months now i have not been sick from anything.
i am responsible for starting several people on this product, and will continue to recommend it.
my hardest thing was to get to 15 drops 3 times daily, and i seriously believe most people never really stick with the program to the end because it is so hard not to drink anything with
citric acid or vitamin c added, it is hard to find juices or beverages without these additives, and it may well be about the nastiest tasting stuff i have ever experienced.
i challenge anyone to follow the directions to the t, and then post with negative input on this product.
it took me 4 months of relentless dedication to see the program to the end, along with a lot of trips to the bathroom. i was stuck on 12 drops for 8 weeks.
opinions are like butt holes, everyone has one.
can i back my claims up with clinical facts? no, i just know what it has done for me, and am convinced it can do at least as much for you!