Step one would be consuming a whole food vitamin C such as camu camu or acerola cherry. Just do an internet search for bulk camu camu powder. Also, get some bee propolis tincture to provide the B5. 1 to 2 grams a day of real vitamin C should be sufficient.
Ascorbic acid is not vitamin C.
If this is not enough, add the adaptogenic herbs to the diet such as licorice, gota kola, eleuthero, hawthorne berry, rhodiola, ashwandaga and the supporting herbs such as nettle, alfalfa, mullein, lobelia, astragalus, and ginger root. You can easily make your own formula. Just start with one part of each, about 1/4 part for the lobelia, and modify as you see fit. You can either get these in powder form and mix up with water and drink, put in capsules, or buy cut and sifted and simmer into a strong tea.
These herbs will also support the thyroid, and the entire endocrine system for that matter.
Pick up some wheat germ oil too, and have a tablespoon a day.
Delete the salt water. Especially if it is just
table salt you are adding to water. What your body needs is trace minerals. Find a whole food mineral supplement made from wheat grass, barley grass, alfalfa, sea vegetables, and the like.
Very, very, very few people are deficient in salt.