Blood oxygenators? I haven't heard of that and I've been following the
Candida Forum on here pretty closely. I've heard of drinking oxidized water. Not sure if that is related or not. I guess we should look into that.
Basically, the diet is no
Sugar (not even fruit, even the natural sugars feed the candida), no carbs (pasta, bread, even some veggies have carbs like carrots and corn) and no processed food. If you google candida diet you'll find a ton of info. on what to avoid and what is okay to eat. I've been trying to follow it as closely as possible. I did have some fruit yesterday. The cravings can get pretty bad because by cutting all this out you're "starving" the candida. Someone recommended apple cider vinegar to me to help with the cravings, but I haven't tried it yet. I do think I've been passing candida in my stools. I get so excited when I go #2 now! I know it's pretty pathetic and weird, but I really want to get better. Good luck to you and I'll keep you all posted.