A paradigm starts with an end phenomonon. In our case that would be the state of health. The Paradigm is the raod you're going to take to acquire that end phenomonon.
There are two things in your way to living in the state of health.
1. Overwhelm: You literally get overwhelmed by the outside world. Falling out of a tree when you were a kid, car accidents, falls on the ice, slipped discs, bullets, busses, etc. etc. Any situation that requires crisis therapy. Crisis therapy includes everyone from the ambulance driver and paramedics to the emergency room staff at the hospital to the doctors who put you back together again and the physical therapists that get the parts working again. That is an overwhelm situation that requires crisis therapy. The only valid part of the medical profesion and CAN be considered Natural Healing.
2. Diseases: You take your symptoms to your medic, he runs a bunch of tests on you then gives your symptoms a title, an "official" name. Then treats that named disease with drugs. It doesn't work because drugs ARE chemicals and polute the cellular environment. There ARE no cures, never have been and never will be using this paradigm. Which, of course, they brag about and shout from the rooftops "There ARE no cures".
So first we need a definition of health. We go to the textbooks. Guytons Physiology specifically.
Health: When all cells of the human body are performing their designed function.
The first thing we discover according to the top physiologists in the world is:
It's NORMAL to be healthy.
The second thing we discover is the requirements the cell has to be healthy in the first place.
Cellular requirements:
1. Communication: The cells of the human body must communicate with other cells of the body. That is accomplished by the Central Nervous System.
2. Clean: The environment the cell lives in MUST BE CLEAN.
3. Fuel: Not only the proper fuel the cell needs to function but that fuel must also have the necessary ingredients in it to regenerate the cell so each successive generation is healthy.
4. Perform: The cell must perform. You must use it. Exercise.
The Natural Healing Paradigm is the road you're going to take to accomplish the four cellular requirements above.
1. Straighten: The body must be mechanically correct and neurologically sound. This refers to your skull, spine, and the Central Nervous system that runs through it.
The Spine and the Central Nervous System are so intimately related it's impossible to consider one without including the other.
The spine must be mechanically correct so the joints don't wear out and the nerves don't get pinched.
The Central Nervous System must be complete. You can't have part of your brain missing and expect to be healthy. And no fractured vertebra or pinched nerves in your spine.
2. Clean: The environment the cell lives in MUST be clean. Order of cleansing is: Colon, liver, blood, lymphatics and cells. Must be done in that order except when coming back from terminal.
Colon: Three necessities.
1. Get the musculature working.
2. Clean the colon walls.
3. Re-seed the colon with the proper intestinal flora.
Liver: Two necessities.
1. Eliminate the parasites.
2. Decongestion.
Blood and lymph are cleaned by the liver so once the liver is back on line happens automatically.
Cells: Good nutrition to regenerate the cell so each successive generation is healthier than the last. Literally how health happens.
3. Fuel: First, quit poisoning yourself. Which translates - no more drugs and good water (distilled). Second, the proper fuel the cell requires to perform it's given function. Third, the fuel needs to have regenerative capabilities for the cell to get healthy. The human body can only use what has been recently alive.
4. Performance: Use it or lose it. The appropriate aerobic and strength training exercises to maintain cellular performance. Plus, the specifc exercises to come back from "terminal" if applicable.
The Natural Healing Paradigm can and will replace the Medical Disease Treatment Paradigm someday.
The disease treatment paradign does NOT address the second fundamental of The Natural Healing Paradigm of keeping the cellular environment clean thus CANNOT work. And in fact goes a long way to further polute the cellular environment.
So the paradigm shift must be to replace the Disease Treatment Paradigm with the Natural Healing Paradigm.
The Disease Treatment Paradigm does not address, and makes worse, the cellular requirement of a clean environment to live in.
The Natural Healing Paradigm addresses the requirements of the cells to be healthy.
That's as simple as I can put it.
Learn it well, teach your kids. Teach your mate and loved ones.
This will change the world.
Dr. Kenneth R. Sutter II