A guy gave me a cockamamie story about his mouth sore not being herpes and breaking out with some blister or something (I forgot the word he used) because he was somewhere cold at the time and made his lips sore and break out and for some stupid stupid reason I kinda believed him, even though I wasn’t sure and fooled around with him. I told him no swapping bodily fluids including no mouth kissing, no oral, and no sex, but he used his spit on my vagina. I wasn’t happy about that and talked to my doctor. The doctor said that it was definitely herpes and that I’ve been exposed. So now I am taking a herpes test this week and then 6 weeks later. As the doctor says it takes 6 weeks to show up on a test.
Also if I’m lucky enough to have both tests be negative, I wonder if there is still a chance of it being positive from that incident say in 6 months or more? Do you know?
I fooled around with the guy Sunday, May 31st, 4 days ago. Is there anything I can do? A cleanse or supplements to reverse the virus before it takes hold? Or is it too late? Am I contagious right now if I have it? Is there anything else I need to know or anything else you can tell me?
Also I’m going to go on a juice fast tomorrow for unrelated reasons. Would that help, hurt, or neither?
Also I feel no physically different, but just mentally worried and have trouble sleeping.
PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stupid Desperate Lady