God and the Universe. !!!
Once upon a time, 20 billions of years ago, all matter
(all elementary particles and all quarks and their
girlfriends- antiparticles and antiquarks, all kinds of
waves: electromagnetic, gravitational, muons…
gluons field ….. etc.) – was assembled in a ‘single point ’.
And after there was a ‘ Big Bang’.
The scientists wrote very thick books about this theory.
But nobody wrote the reason of the ‘ Big Bang ’ because
nobody knows it.
I know the reason.
The action, when the God compresses all Universe
into his palm, we have named ‘a singular point’.
And action, when the God opens his palm,
we have named the ‘a Big Bang ’.
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The Catholic Church adopted the theory of Big Bang
as a good proof of God existing. And Pope Pius XII
declared this in 1951.
The masses in the Universe are very few.
The distances between stars are very far.
About 99% of the matter in the Universe is unseen.
Nobody knows what it is.
But God using his > 99% Hidden mass of the Universe
take control over the < 1% Visible mass of the Universe.
He is a smart physicist and mathematician .
He smiles and laughs when others say:
‘ The formulas are cleverer than men’.
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How can God using 99% Hidden matter
take control over 1% of the Visible matter?
Here is the scheme.
THE GENESIS. (scheme.)
In the beginning was Vacuum some kind of
Infinite/ Eternal Energy Space: T = 0K.
According to Quantum Theory this Infinite Energy Space create
‘ virtual energetic particles – frozen light quanta’. They are in
‘ rest ’/ potential condition and have following physical parameters:
C/D=pi , E=Mc^2, R/N=k , h = 0 , i^2=-1 .
Moving Quantum of Light is a Photon.
Planck: h =E/t h = 1, c=1.
Einstein: h =kb h =1, c =1.
Working Quantum of Light/ Photon is an Electron.
Goudsmit-Uhlenbeck: h(bar) = h/2pi , c>1.
E = hf,
Sommerfeld: e^2 = hca (Electron).
The Lorentz transformations.
Star formation:
e- -> k -> He II -> He I -> rotating He –> plasma reaction -
- -> thermonuclear reaction: ( P. Kapitza , L. Landau,
E.L. Andronikashvili theories ),
( Theories of superconductivity and superfluidity.).
a) hf > kT
b) hf = kT
c) kT > hf
As result of Star formation Proton was created.
p ( Proton)
Evolution of interaction between Electron and Proton:
a) electromagnetic,
b) nuclear,
c) biological.
a) The Law of conservation and transformation energy.
b) The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / law.
c) The Pauli Exclusion Principle/ law.
a) Theory - Dualism of Consciousness
(consciousness / subconsciousness.)
b) Personal practice. – Parapsychology. (Meditation.)
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Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik. / Socratus.
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I want to know how God created this world.
I am not interested in this or that phenomenon,
in the spectrum of this or that element.
I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details.