Hi Ya'll,
What is it about Natural Oils that makes them so Important for our health and well-being?
What is it about todays Oils that make them so --Dangerous-- for our health today?
Let us 1st consider the use of Oils for cooking? What is it that the oil does to help in cooking?
Could it be to Buffer and Spread out the Heat so that the foods do not Burn and or Stick in the frying pan?
Could it be possible that for Health we need this Buffering Capacity in our bodys to Spread out and Buffer the Energy releases in our body to Stablize our Energy levels?
What could Cause the Oils to do more Harm to our bodys than Good?
Could it be possible that Oils that may Cause the Lymphatic Fluids to become too Acidic may be where the problems may come from?
What would cause Oils to Cause the Lymphatic Fluids to become too Acidic?
Hydrogenation of Oils may Cause them to Cause our Lymphatic Fluids to become too Acidic and Cause us to become Sick and Diseased ! Hydrogenation of Oils adds Acidity and prevents our body from being able to Digest these Oils properly !
These Poor Quality Oils when ingested may Cause our Blood Sugars to raise too High, which may come about because of these extra Acids causing the Break down Faster of the Carbohydrates into Simple Sugars and or speed the Break down of Simple Sugars into Glucose into our Blood stream? Most of the times this problem may be called Diabetes?
What Oils are Hydrogenated?
Most Oils used in prepared foods and most oils used in food establishments to prepare foods!
Peanut butter that it's oils do not separate, --Margarine-- and other Fake Butters and spreads! Just check the labels and if it is Hydrogenated and or partially Hydrogenated or is a prepared food that has used any of these as ingredients it may not list the Hydrogenated oils, but they are --ALL-- Poison to the body !
For more info about Hydrogenated Oils, one may type in the search engine and review the past posts explaining the problems of Hydrogenation in more detail !
Back to WHY Natural Oils of Top Quality are needed by our body for Healing and Health !
Remember needing Oil to cook with to prevent the Foods from getting Burned?
Without Top Quality Oils our Blood Sugars may not be able to be Stable = Diabetes?
Without Top Quality Oils our Lymphatic Fluids may become too Acidic = Sickness and Diseases?
Without Top Quality Oils our Skin may have all kinds of Rashes, Psoriasis and Acne etc?
Without Top Quality Oils the List of problems goes on !!!!!!!!!!!
Where do Top Quality Oils come from, or may we say where are they supposed to come from?
If the Plants grown are of Top Quality Highly Mineralized with High Brix, then they shall automatically have a High Natural Oil content !
This is what may make the Plant have a Natural Waxy Oily look of Goodness !
Could this mean that because of the Poor Quality of the foods we have to eat, that they have Low Brix , thus Poor Quality Natural oil content, that this may be WHY so many folks are Sick and Diseased?
What are we to do about it?
How can we help ourself?
The 1st thing is to learn to "STOP" eating --ANY-- Hydrogenated Oils and or foods with these oils used to prepare them !
Next if we can learn to use Only Natural Oils that have not been Hydrogenated !
Some of these that may be found may include Corn, Olive, Coconut, Flaxseed, Wheat germ, and there may be others Like Cod Liver Oil?
But, Fish Oils like Omega 3 etc may have too many Derivatives and or Isolates included in them by their proccessing, that may Cause them to be More Harm than Good for our bodys?
The Flaxseed and Wheatgerm oils, if Cold pressed and of Top Quality can be used in very small amounts each day to provide Great help? The amounts should start at Less than 1 Teaspoonful each day of each? If more is used and not enough Alkaline Minerals are present in addition to what these oils contain, they may also add Acidity to our Lymphatic Fluids? Less is Better many times !
Eat Real Butter instead of Margarine and or Fake spreads !
Top Quality Oils may help Buffer and Stablize our Energy flows of our body, thus Better regulating our Blood Pressure and Blood Sugars and our Body temperature etc !
When our bodys do not have this Stablization, this is what the Dr. calls Diabetes and Blood Pressure problems etc and every other kind of Sickness and Disease may come about because of this !
Cause and Effect !
As usual not everything may be as it may 1st seem to be !
Choose Life or Death this Day !
Smile Tis your choice.