streetcorner philosopher
I was quite nervous before hand. I kept trying to talk myself out of it (not to mention my wife, who thinks I've lost my mind!). But now I'm glad I didn't chicken out!
Everything went fine. It was a closed system and my therapist was quite nice and made me feel at ease. The only uncomfortable part was the initial insertion....which I thought she jammed in a bit too forcefully...but other than that it was a pleasant experience.
Afterwards I've been feeling nothing short of euphoric. Not only that, but I'm unusually calm, relaxed and clear-thinking, etc.
The only thing that concerns me a bit is they refused to re-insert any pro-biotics in my bowel, claiming they always wait till the 3rd visit to do this !??? Anyway I've been eating lots of yogurt and taking acidiphilous. Maybe that will help.