lucidhunt 24/7
Yes, your post… a couple months ago.. as to sproutpeoplecom… that has helped big time-again thanks. But sprouting ?how much and ?what are still under newness for me so I don‘t really know an answer for your very levelheaded questions. The single issue is time, scheduling the rinse “appropriately” --as I’m caring for my Mom between my house and parent‘s house -- and the scheduling and my mental focus is “out” at times. Why I’ve not be on CZ for time. So, I read that the EasyGreenSprouter (or some other brands) will do the rinse on a timer and run on its own daily (if I fill it up humor humor). it good or good enough for the $$investment versus the mason jar method and the easyGreen single tray looks small (for 2-4 adults)…or perhaps just something else, machinewise to store on a shelf not being used. I’m not looking at grass just sprouting right now… some pondering from yesterday (on my part) ..after reading about various sprouters again.