Hi Ya'll,
Here is a post by someone who Lacks in understanding about Leaky Gut: And how
does candida come about???? YEAST....b/c why? holes in the gut (leaky gut)
Answer: The use of the wording Leaky Gut carries "False" conotations for the
problem !
"WHY" do I say this?
Because "IF" one really has a Leaky Gut(Holes in their Digestive track), they
would more than likely "Die" unless they would get these Holes patched up
"Immeadieatly" !
Thus folks using the terminology Leaky Gut(Holes in their Gut) may be Seriously
mis-informed !
For "IF" you have ever had the association of working with Gunshot wound
victims, who have had Gut shots to Cause Holes to come about in their Gut,
unless they can be Immediately patched up, they may generally "Die" !
"WHY" may this be so?
Could it have any thing to do with the Digestive Bacteria etc getting into their
chest cavity and causing Putrification among other things?
Could it be that the terminology of Leaky Gut is mis-leading of a conditions
whereas the Gut just is not working properly and Lacks proper Digestion?
Could it be because the Different Organs of the body having to do with Proper
Digestion may just be short of the needed Alkaline Minerals to keep them
Healthy, thus they are not functioning properly, thus Poor Digestion Results?
As usual not everything may be as it may first seem to be !
Cause and Effect !
"WE" are What "WE" Eat !
Smile Tis your choice.