Prill Beads: Magic from magnesium....................
"One of the goofiest products I have come across are "Prill Beads" which consist of "magnesium oxide infused with Life Force." These magical beads "have a natural affinity to anything unnatural. This is why they help rid the body of heavy metals, toxins and dead proteins." Water that is treated by these "prills" is claimed to have smaller molecules (for better absorption by the body) and is restored to the state found in amniotic fluid and "primordial dew". How do they make this magical stuff? By magic, of course! Their device can be pictured as a configuration of the Force of Love. An outer ring containing more than 120,000
pounds of the Crystal form of Love ... and an inner ring where the force is stored. ... Anything placed in this space, simply becomes magical".
"What could be easier? The site, containing some of the silliest we have seen, also claims that your treated used bath water will help restore the aquatic environment after it disappears down the drain".........................
By Professor Stephen Lower: a retired faculty member of the Dept of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University Burnaby / Vancouver, Canada.