Hi Sara,
I just wanted you to know I got through my liver flush!! :) I had many stones come out yesterday and even a few more this morning! My liver feels so much better, but I can still feel things around that area, so I know that flushing is not over! I wish this were something we could just do once and "poof" we don't have to do it anymore!
How is it going on the mini-flush you were going to do in the meantime after your big flush? I'm thinking a/b doing the same thing. I think it's a good idea.
I did the same coke-flush you did. I did not sleep well though b/c of nausea and I woke up at 3am on the dot with nausea and went and took some powdered ginger (I didn't have fresh) with water and it seemed to take the worst away enough for me to go back to sleep. Also the Bach flower distress remedy drops helped me to keep calm too.
Now I'm just a bit worn out from all the diahrea from the Epsom salts, but am recovering and thankful to get all those stones out. Some were the size of a grape and others were pea-sized. I'm only 31, but have had severe fatigue and chronic health problems over 10 years. It is amazing the gallbladder and liver store these things. I feel better today.
Just wanted to give you an update since you have been so helpful. I'm enjoying taking the black seed.
tty later