I agree that self-administration with a colon tube by an inexperienced person is probably not advisable.
At one time, I was in a relationship with a nurse who had assisted on many colonoscopies. She would occassionally use a colon tube with me instead of my regular enema.
She would always boil the tube first and allow it to air dry. She then gave one or two good enemas to clear me out. She had me lie on the bed with a pillow beneath my hips and a blanket to protect the bed. Her girl friend would assist her. Using KY jelly, she would insert the tube a few
inches at a time and allow the water to flow. Her girlfriend would hold my legs up, and massage my abdomen. It was a slow, careful, start-and-stop process, and she would relubricate the tube every time she would insert another few inches, and always stop if there was any discomfort or cramping, while her friend gently massaged. I think about 20
inches was as far up as she would go.
With the tube, the enema was easier to take and hold, maybe because all of the water was not in the lower colon. There was much less pressure to expel, and easier to take.
However, I would not recommend trying it unless you lhave a knowledgeable and expperienced partner.