- serafina -
heilà, sono italiana anch'io! anche se vivo all'estero da quasi 10 anni.
I think the most part of the healing crisis is due to 2 factors:
- you're depleted of minerals
-not all stones are eliminated so the toxins go back in the bloodstream, which feels even worse than before, as the liver stored those toxins SO THAT they wouldn't be in the blood
For both problems you have easy solutions.
For the first, prepare a broth to sip in the morning with plenty of good veggies and potato peels, if you live in the countryside go out and take plenty of nettles (ortiche) and dandelions to put in the broth. Or juice some greens. Or prepare any other organic source of minerals in liquid form.
For the second, Moritz suggests to take a
colonics the day after the cleanse, and I think it is a good idea, I want to do that too. Some stones get stuck in the bowel, and some others are released by the liver in the afternoon. You want them out! I understand taking a
colonics costs money, but it's worth it. If you can't take a
colonics take a high enema.